azinck3 Wrote: 
> Why do you suggest this?  You can easily reconstruct a wav at any point
> from a lossless file--it seems to me that if you're going to keep an
> uncompressed copy then you may as well not use FLAC at all.  I mean,
> that you want to do this for your own reasons I, of course, have no
> problem with. But I'm a little confused as to why this ought to be a
> general recommendation.
Oh, I wasn't suggesting saving an uncompressed version *and* a
FLAC-encoded file -- that'd be a silly duplication.  I merely contend
that one should keep *some* lossless (whether uncompressed or
losslessly-compressed) version of the music as the master.  And if one
is doing that, if there's plenty of disk space available, it might just
be less hassle not to bother with compression at the start -- since
Microsoft and Apple compressed formats are proprietary and thus not
something I'd want to use as the foundation of my music collection, and
FLAC requires installing some additional software the original poster
might find daunting and results in a format which might not be
readily-usable by his default music-playing program.

The above assumption of daunting-ness may of course be unwarranted. 
But what I envision for someone new to this music-flinging biz is the
desire to rip stuff with minimal hassle and with good ease of
transcoding as necessary.  One can, if one wishes, install iTunes on
either Mac or PC, rip to AIFF masters, and create lossily-compressed
copies for an iPod without leaving the one program.

If disk space starts to run out, *then* the user can investigate
lossless compression, and a global FLAC conversion can convert all the
music (albeit with a little bother to keep one's music-player program
informed) to get back space.

My assumption that using (if on a Mac) or installing (if on a PC)
iTunes is less scary and bothersome than installing and figuring out
either the standalone FLAC compressor or another music-playing
front-end may of course be challenged, but that's what I was basing my
recommendation on.

Of course, we're still in the dark about GreenMan's actual environment
and software-setup comfort zone, so I'm doing a lot of theorizing.

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