Patrick Dixon Wrote: 
> IMO you should choose your DAC based on how it sounds in your system
> rather than by its specification and marketing blurb: some people love
> the Benchmark DAC, others prefer something different.
Quite agree, hadn't originally considered buying a CD player but the
Quad 99 CD-P had a preamp function built in so to speak using its
variable outputs so all my digital sources (SB,DVD,DVB receiver and its
own transport) go via its Crystal upsampling DAC which to my ears sounds
very detailed, but yet lacking harshness when used with the Quad
909/Spendor S5e.
Getting it was a bit of a leap in the dark as I got this
DAC-with-CDP-attached from ebay relying totally from reviews in various
"audiophile" publications like Hi-Fi News and the The Absolute Sound but
what finally swayed me was a forum post from UK Gramophone magazine
where the poster declared that he did not consider himself to be an
equipment centred enthusiast but merely needed to replace his failing
Denon CDP and the aforementioned Quad transformed his system

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