Colin Reilly wrote:
I am all for the simplest path possible, and I agree with you re your
comments about amps with no tone controls etc.  However, I read the
members post above about when he tried using his SB2 straight into a
power amp he said he needed some kind of attenuation, I assume like a
passive preamp.

But you are not doing that, if I understand you correctly.

I figured the best way for me would be to use the DAC-1 as a preamp and
use the volume control on it.  Although I have read elsewhere that the
preamp section of the Benchmark is not very good quality and should be
used as a DAC only.

You have at least three volume controls if you just go
SB3 -> Benchmark -> power amp
if the power amp has a volume control ( which technically makes it an integrated amp).

I run my SqueezeBox wide open and set the internal jumpers in the DAC-1,
so I use my Classe's volume knob. But a volume knob is a volume knob.
Unless it is a VCA, they are resister networks in the signal path.
Even when they are switched Vishay resisters, it all works the same.

Most importantly, try it, see what you like.
If you don't like it, try something else free. After
you have exhaused all the changes, then you can squander money
on a Conrad-Johnson tube preamp.

         -- toc

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