PhilNYC Wrote: 
> I use a Dodson Audio DA-218 DAC
> (Note: I'm also a Dodson dealer)

I hate to spoil the party (not sure for whom, however) but from

"Input signal jitter is eliminated by first clocking the input signal
into a storage memory, then re-clocking the stored input signal out of
the memory using a master clock with an unprecedented +/-2 picoseconds
of phase jitter. After re-clocking, balanced differential drivers send
the low-to-no-jitter re-clocked signal to the 24-bit/96kHz DAC chips."

Maybe he uses a sample rate converter before the buffer that turns the
jitter into an integral part of the datastream, but that would sort of
defeat the purpose of the buffering.

BTW, have you tried various low cost SPDIF sources with the Dodson to
verify the effectiveness of the buffering? (I.e: They should all sound
the same!)

P Floding
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