andy_c Wrote: 
> I have no issue with people going with what works for them, based on
> uncontrolled subjective experiments.  I do this myself with my own
> system all the time.  But there is a difference between saying "X works
> for me" and saying "X is true".  The difference is that people will
> claim these results to be some kind of indisputable fact when no
> controlled experiments have ever established that.  The idea is that
> once an assertion has been repeated often enough, it is considered to
> be true, regardless of the facts of the matter.  This phenomenon is
> known rather harshly as the "big lie theory".

Andy -  Perfectly summed up.  We measure what we can up to a point, and
beyond that we just "believe".


Main Entry: au·dio·phile 
Pronunciation: 'o-dE-O-"fI(-&)l
Function: noun
: a person who takes the pursuit of high-fidelity sound reproduction so
seriously that they don't have to listen to music anymore.
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