Here is what I posted on about the SB3

I recently bought a SB3 after deliberating for a while whether to go
into Computer-based music or not. I was not sure about the SB approach
vs the USB approach. Meanwhile, my 1 yr old was damaging the CDs
whenever he can get hold of them. It became clear I need to atleast
save a 'master' copy on the computer. Finally, I decided to go for the
SB3 because of the display and widespread good impressions about its
digital output. 

My Philips 963SA is fed via a VHAudio power cord and is connected by a
Zu Ash or Glass Toslink to my Panny XR55. The player is on Vibrapod
cones and the shelf itself is on spikes on the rack frame (this made
quite a difference). The Panny has Nordost shiva power cord and all of
them are connected to Blue Circle MR1200 balanced power conditioner.
Speakers are Silverline Sonatina's with Zu Wax cables (biamped). 

I used EAC to rip CDs to 100% quality as wav and played them back as
wav through the SB3.The SB3 is connected via the Sound Professionals
Glass Toslink to the XR55 (JA of Sterephile used a $400 AQ Optilink 5
and thought it sounded more or less same as a Ayre player). THe
wallwart is connected to the MR1200.

The first impression of the SB3 is that its sound is sweet and
non-edgy. Initially I thought the soundstage was not there, but it is
almost the same as the 963SA. The SB3 beats the Philips on detail -
detail as is in texture of instruments rather than the razor sharp
edges of a digital photograph. Actually, overall the analogy of a film
(smooth and realistic) vs a impressive digital photograph is a good
one. The detail I hear in drum instruments makes the sound very
enjoyable. I could also turn up the volume higher with the SB3. One
thing, I noticed is the sound does not seem to be as dynamic as the
963SA. The Philips 963SA was considered to be a good transport, but
sounding 'clinical' (as per Steve of Empirical Audio). Maybe, I am just
missing the 'edge' or 'digitis' or whatever. 

In summary, I feel the SB3 is a good transport in the above
configuration, especially if you value detail/texture and smooth sound.

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