O.K. I'm taking my chances posting this in the audiophile section
because the equipment I am going to discuss is not totally audiophile

I was looking for a way to sit at the computer late at night and not
disturb the rest of the family. The obvious answer is to use headphones
of course. I had been using iTunes to remotely access my music from a
downstairs Mac 1.25 Dual desktop, but today I installed Softsqueeze on
my MacBookPro and did a lot of switch listening to Apple lossless
encoded music. I found I preferred the sound from the
Slimserver/Softsqueeze client over the iTunes server iTunes client by a
good margin.

I'm not using a high end headphone amp. for the Sennheiser 600's. So I
can can only report that via my MacBookPro as the client SoftSqueeze
sounds better to me than iTunes (as a remote player).

Anyone else have an opinion iTunes vs. Softsqueeze?

Jazz1's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6623
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26746

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