Receiver is a good way to go for convenience, price, features and in
some cases, believe it or not, sound quality. One of the best sounding
receivers in the world is the Arcam AVR-300 ($2000)and new AVR-350
($2500). The 300 has been out for a while, can be had used for lot
less. They have real power supplies and great high end design
engineering. Every review and forum comment I have ever read ranked
them very high in audio quality,even in direct comparison to high end
seperates. The internal DACs, preamp components, and power devices are
all excellent high end parts. It is worth a listen before you plunge
into the insane world $eperate$. I am trying to decide to go seperate
or go back to receiver. After having a nice integrated tube preamp and
finding the limits of its performance I am learning that the music
itself is so much more important to me, rather spend money on music
than audio gear.

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