highdudgeon;141228 Wrote: 
> Really, in the end, it is all about your speakers and your room. 
> Changes to electronics, given the very high quality of sources (let's
> assume quality CD player, SB3, SB3+DAC, or Transporter), the generally
> excellent quality of even budget amplifiers, are real, but are not as
> important as getting your room and speakers right.  
> To wit: In my system I have had $10k speakers (harbeth M40s) with
> McIntosh MC-501 monos ($9k; I didn't pay retail for either!) and, for
> the fun of it, an old Carver A-500x (worth $400).  Mind you, the Carver
> is an excellent amplifier, with no output network, and is a real steal. 
> The point is, positioning my speakers correctly and using EQ made a far
> greater difference than the amplifiers.  I kept the Carver.
> (I now have a set of Nuforces (and smaller speakers) because I am
> moving to Europe and needed something 220/240 friendly.  Otherwise, I'd
> have something more modest.)
> The best place to compromise, really, is the amp.  Most good quality
> solid state amps are so good that the differences between them are far
> more than people (and hype, and self-delusion) are willing to admit. 
> However, getting your source right (Transporter!) and getting great
> speakers should come first...and then save up for an amplifier
> upgrade.
> Just my opinion.

what about the preamp ? is that more important than the amp or they're
on the same level ? some people say the pre amp is the most important
link in the chain .

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