Blimey MadScientist, keep your hair on! I didn't say that you have to
rearrange the furniture for the transporter to sound better than the
SB3.  I said that that the Transporter sounded fantastic, but at first
I was just a bit disappointed by the lack of weight in the bass for my
taste.  I think the SB3 may have been a bit better here (and here only)
in my system simply because it has less control - it is easy to mistake
relatively uncontrolled bass for good bass.  Anyway, I needed to
rearrange the furniture because to deal with the bass lightness in my
particular room (all rooms are different) it was necessary to have the
speakers firing across the room rather than down it.  Now that the
speakers are firing across the room the balance is perfect. 

No disrespect, but if you think the effects of changing speaker
positioning are just audiophile b******* you are so, so wrong. The way
a system is set up is just as important as the components in it. 

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