CardinalFang;143314 Wrote: 
> But at least they value measurements and are being pragmatic about
> things that are *hard* to measure. They don't resort to false theories
> and invent terminology to describe artifacts. The equipment is designed
> using measurements as well as viewing tests, it's never built solely
> using viewing tests. That's the crux of the discussion.Terminology is 
> invented to describe artifacts as required.  If you
invent a new coding scheme and it produces new artifacts, you need new
terms to describe them.  My point really is that pragmatic engineers
understand there are some things they don't understand and can't easily
(objectively) measure.  But I agree, that doesn't mean they abandon all
engineering priciples and resort to vodoo.

The problem with a lot of consumer stuff, is that marketing gets in the
way, and consumers who are easily impressed by technical mumbo-jumbo and
obscure patent claims (etc) get taken for a ride.  But just because
someone doesn't fully and accurately convey the mechanism of their
product, doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad product.

CardinalFang;143314 Wrote: 
> I never implied that a piece of equipment can be fully defined by
> measurements alone - you've invented that.Actually, I never said you did!

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