adamslim;143654 Wrote: 
> This forum (other threads) seems to have been hijacked by people who
> think that measurement is all,

It hasn't been "hijacked" because it wasn't under anyones control in
the first place. A forum is a place for healthy discussion, it's
unreasonable for you to expect to only hear points of view which
coincide with your own.

> I think my (and your) ears are orders of magnitude more accurate than
> whatever kit these people may choose to use
Whilst your choice of audio equipment is your business, not mine, to
say that anoyone's ears are more sensitive or more accurate than decent
test equipment is patently and demonstratably wrong. It's pretty safe to
say you can't hear anything above 22kHz or so (probably a lot lower),
but any decent scope will happily register such frequencies. I'm
staying out of the whole debate on measurement vs listening, but let's
keep it sensible.

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