adamslim;145508 Wrote: 
> Would it be this one, perchance?
> I'm trying to find something in the UK and it's rather frustrating,
> trying to analyse sites designed for engineers!
> Recommended?  You seem positive...?

There are a many variants of these open frame 5V powersupplies. If I
remember correctly, CardinalFang used the 3A version. 

I made a PSU with this unit:
(its a Calex 32005A)

The idea is that you should use an industry grade non-switching
(linear) 5V powersupply that delivers at least 1.5A. Sound engineering
practice says (and I'm probably going to get flamed for this) that you
should use a powersupply that can deliver twice the amount of power
that you need. As the SB3 uses between 0.5A and 0.9A, if I remember
correctly, many of us went for the 3A units.


SB3, Rotel RC-1070/RB-1070, dynaBel Exact, Kimber Kable 4TC and Timbre.
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