teq;151218 Wrote: 
> What kind of speakers - to be honest, I don't know. What different types
> are there? (ok, I can tell that I am going to embarrass every one
> now...) Some years ago, I had horn-type ("folded horn" - I have no idea
> what the correct term in English is) speakers which have an incredible
> bass-range, but are very large. The last speakers I had were rather
> small ones combined with a subwoofer.
> My wife would prefer something elegant (she has seen some cool B&O
> boxes in a store) and not to large... 
> On the size of the room, it would be about 40 square meters (about 120
> square feet? I am never sure about American measurements...)
> Cheers,
> teq

More like 400 square feet! (3x3 = 9)
A fairly large room.

Good looking speakers include semi-transparent ones, such as Martin
Logan electrostats. Should be good in a large room as well, provided
that they are allowed to stand clear of the wall -about a meter into
the room.)

P Floding
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