Jenks;151741 Wrote: 
> On one level I don't totally agree with you Highdudgeon.  Yes the
> differences between speakers is vast, in terms of tonal flavour,
> extension, dynamics, etc.  But I have heard very few speakers that
> cannot be made to sound musical.  I cannot so easily say that of amps. 
> In blind tests different speakers will be obvious and different amps
> will be hard to pick, yes.  But over a period of a week, what can sound
> like a small initial change between two amps can amount to a lot in
> terms of whether I am enjoying the music.  So my point is I think
> getting the right speaker for your room is really hard and really
> important, but it doesn't necessarily require a lot of money.  Sadly
> getting a musically fine amp can cost a lot of money.  My sense is I
> must be able to adjust to the sound of speakers more easily than to the
> sound of amps, even though the latter appear to be more accurate by any
> conventional measurements.

Jenks, my impression is that you would be in the minority with that
view(not that that means anything) so I am curious if you know anyone
who shares your opinion?

Or. is it because your British and drive on the wrong side of the road

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