
sorry to hijack your thread but having a similar dilemma.  Also using
MusicInfoScr and don't seem to be able to get what I'm looking for...

The issue seems to be that its not possible to set up the right hand
display so that it can be used for Analog VU meters (which look really
good on the Transporter) in screensaver mode and for extended text in
now playing mode.

The reasoning is that most of the time when listening I just want a
subset of info (I can get this on the left display) with the VU eye
candy ... but if I want the full lowdown on what I'm listening to I
just press NowPlaying and get the full set of text info on both

I can do something like this if I have no visualiser on the right, or
with the SpectrumAnalyser with text on top, but thats not what I want.

Have I missed something? Am I asking for the impossible? Or is this an
enhancement request I see before me?

Any comments very welcome...


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