A good stable quiet supply reduces the jitter in digital circuits as well. Delay times and transition times of digital circuits are dependant on the supply voltage, so more tightly controlling the voltage can improve the amount of jitter. Do some web searching on over clocking the cpu in your PC, and you'll quickly see that tweeking the supply voltages are an integral part of the procedure.
The clock and data are combined in the SPDIF signal, so any jitter in the clock on the digital sending side has the potential to influence the clock in the receiving DAC. Hope this make sense! Dave -- DCtoDaylight ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DCtoDaylight's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7284 View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29360 _______________________________________________ audiophiles mailing list audiophiles@lists.slimdevices.com http://lists.slimdevices.com/lists/listinfo/audiophiles