ModelCitizen;154222 Wrote: 
> One thing that constantly bugs me and that could possibly be tied into
> the display configuration and the way the whole display thing works is
> the way the Now Playing screen works. Currently, for instance, if I am
> listening to a Last.Fm station I can't just go back (left) into the
> Last.FM stuff to submit a preference for a track. I have to go right
> through the top level SlimServer menu to get back to Last.FM before I
> can submit my preference, which is definitely not right, intuitive or
> friendly and is far too slow.
> But perhaps I am missing something (not at all unusual).
> MC

Have you tried using "Jump Back On Wake"? So if the MusicInfoScr
screensaver has kicked in and you are looking at its displays and you
then press a button - you get taken back to where you were before (eg
the LastFM menu) ?


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