Sorry for the delay in responding, but I was away for the weekend. In
your reply to my quandry concerning dCS' and Benchmark's apparent
opposite views of ASRC, you said:

opaqueice;153903 Wrote: 
> The point is that ASRC embeds some jitter into the digital sequence
> itself.  So you start with something which, when represented as a
> string of digits, is identical to the track on the CD.  Jitter
> manifests itself only as small variations in the time at which those
> bits arrive.  But after ASRC you have embedded those timing variations,
> to some small degree, into the digital sequence representing the sound
> samples themselves. 
> It's like doing D->A->D', so the jitter in D gets into D' and can never
> be removed.
OK, I (sort of) understood this. My confusion is that Benchmark claim
that by the use of ASRC, they eliminate input jitter. They say that it
doesn't matter whether you feed a DAC1 via 1ft or 1000ft of cable, it
will sound the same. They even publish some measurements to demonstrate
that the DAC1 is unaffected when operating at the end of 1000ft of
cable. This flies in the face of what dCS say, which is that ASRC
actually embeds the input jitter into the signal, and that long cables
are a source of lots of jitter.

Let's be blunt about this: it would seem that either dCS or Benchmark
are wrong. And they are two of the most highly respected outfits in the
business. Thinking about it, I'm inclined to side with dCS, but that
doesn't alter the fact that Benchmark know a heck of a lot more about
this than I do.


Performers -> dozens of mixers and effects -> clipped/hypercompressed
mastering -> you think a few extra ps of jitter matters?
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