atkinsonrr;155115 Wrote: 
> Over the years I've made some mistakes I might help you avoid.  Speakers
> more than any other component have a "sound". 
> Give up any notion of putting speakers on a universal scale from "good"
> to "bad".  Recent research suggests that different people process and
> therefore hear music in very different ways.  This must be true, as
> some systems I have considered unlistenable have been adored by people
> whose judgement I respect.  BTW this also means you should actively
> disregard the "conclusion" from any speaker review.  
> You must find what you like. And for less then awful-big money you wont
> get it all in a speaker (if then), so you need to be honest about your
> priorities.  For ME speakers line up along three axes.  You might find
> the same helpful.  Think about it: what aspect of the music really
> speaks to YOU.  Is it the harmonic richness of a voice like Norah
> Jones' or Johnny Hartman's?  Is it the feeling of being "inside the
> music" that you get when you put on a super well-recorded,
> well-produced track?.  Is it the visceral impact of the Stones or
> Mahler?  Once you are well grounded in your priorities, speaker reviews
> can be helpful if used to interpret if a speaker aligns with those.
> Narrow down your search by determining if a "boxless" planar design is
> for you.  The three brands you will most likely run across are
> Magnepan, Martin Logan and Quad.  Quad planars will be hard to later
> augment for surround, so you might rule them out.  Planar speakers have
> a sound all their own, and if it really floats your boat, it is unlikely
> that anything else will do.  If for reasons of sound or practicality
> these dont do it for you then you can move on.
> I have lived in places like Alaska, rural Scotland and Montana, so I
> empathize with the need to sometimes get a bit more direction than "go
> listen".  So here is where I will stick my neck out and give you brands
> to think about.  For comparison sake, I will use $2K (new price) as a
> max budget.  (If you are in the US, take the advice about
> They are well respected, excel at what they do, and are
> exemplary of the different "poles", if you will, of priority in sound. 
> There are certainly many more brands out there, but these I have either
> owned or been very familiar with.  If nothing else, you might use these
> to anchor your search.
> Harmonic Richness: Vandersteen's Model 2 has been around forever. 
> There is a reason.  It does this rich harmonic thing sooooo nicely.  If
> looking at planars, Magnepan is voiced in this direction.  
> Inside The Music: Spendor gives you the polite British version of this
> sound.  Good models available under $2k.  Detail and spatial cues
> galore. They are one of the origial makers of the iconic,
> inside-the-music LS3/5a. The more exciting and in-your-face American
> version of this sound is Thiel.  In planars, the Quad ESL (but way
> beyond 2K new).    
> Visceral Impact: The classic Klipsch speakers (Klipschorn, Cornwall)
> could be had used under $2K.  I have heard their recent designs only in
> stores, but they seem to carry on this tradition.  In planar speakers,
> Martin Logans.

Yes, excellent post - bottom line: only you can say what sounds good to

But I might add, magneplanars are notoriously difficult to amplify
properly.  You need high-wattage, 4-ohm capable amplification, big $$$.

Mark Lanctot
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