davber;155842 Wrote: 
> Mr. P Floding,
> I am thinking about getting a TacT RCS for my SB3 and also intend to
> use it from both SB3 (digitally) and from my AV system (analogously
> ;-)), so I wonder:
> 1. Does the TacT (with an A/D module installed...) provide a "no gain"
> mode so the volume can be completely controlled by the AV system, or do
> you have to manually, and quickly, set the volume down to a fixed level
> when switching to AV use; or even more desirably:
> 2. Does the TacT provide a straight "pass thru" analog input/mode,
> bypassing the whole A/D/proc/D/A chain?
> This is my first post, so "thanks for letting me be part of your
> club"!
> /David

Unfortunately the TacT 2.2 or 2.0 RCS do not provide unity-gain
pass-through, even though it would be dead simple to implement in
software (i.e on-board firmware). This is an area where the grand
promises of software upgradability have fallen flat on the face.
Support seems to be hanging in the air after the company split, and
neither the US nor the European operation seems to have much interest
in supporting their older loyal customer base. It is all "designing new
stuff" , which makes TacT or Lyngdorf not very mature high end companies
in my opinion.

Consequently you shouldn't pay too much for a fully loaded RCS 2.2x.

Another aspect of TacT gear is that they can sound superb, but their
sound quality can also be degraded fairly easily. It takes some effort
to get the best out of them. Cleaning and treating internal connectors,
and replacing the power supply, is a good start.

I use the TacT 2.2x as part of my A/V setup, but to get the best sound
out of it for music I have to manually disconnect the A/V-section. And
I have to manually turn up the volume for A/V and *remember* to turn it
down again before listening to the SB3...

And, no, there is absolutely no analogue path through the RCS. But the
A/D on the input is pretty darn good -just make sure you get a fully
loaded RCS with A/D and D/A!

P Floding
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