atkinsonrr;157690 Wrote: 
> I agree rudeness is rudeness.  Absolutely right.  And you are right it
> was not just the use of the work "Audiophile".  I only intended to use
> that one example as an example of how assumptions about intent can get
> any of us off track.  
> And, I dont desire protection for only one side in this wonderful
> ongoing debate which is a very rich part of this hobby we share. (Yes,
> "hobby", and the less similarity it has with religion the better).  I
> would lose alot if that were to happen.  We all would.  Like (I think)
> most people here, I find myself somewhere in the middle in the
> subjectivist / objectivist question.  But that is easy to say, and
> maybe disbelieved.
> So let me try to say more clearly.  When someone argues his pet rock
> makes his stereo sound more [insert adjective] I am simply bemused and
> maybe a bit curious as to why he would believe that.  When someone
> argues there's no more left to learn or discuss because something like
> a THD measurement or DBT is the "end of the line" I feel the same way. 
> However, if either said or inferred that I was stupid for seeing the
> world differently than they do, I would be angry.

Fair enough. I tried to be careful about not claiming as _fact_ that
you were seeking protection for only one side. :)

It just seemed that way to me from the example you picked, I guess.

I think (from my own experience) that some of the "subjectivists" tend
to reduce the position of some "objectivists" to caricatures, which
bear little relation to the positions actually expressed. Having
someone persistently do this to you over a long thread will make you
cranky unless you have a lot more patience than I do. :)

I'm sure it happens the other way around, but I've never experienced
that part directly (except perhaps as a perpetrator).


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