totoro;157696 Wrote: 
> Fair enough. I tried to be careful about not claiming as _fact_ that you
> were seeking protection for only one side. :)
> It just seemed that way to me from the example you picked, I guess.
> I think (from my own experience) that some of the "subjectivists" tend
> to reduce the position of some "objectivists" to caricatures, which
> bear little relation to the positions actually expressed. Having
> someone persistently do this to you over a long thread will make you
> cranky unless you have a lot more patience than I do. :)
> I'm sure it happens the other way around, but I've never experienced
> that part directly (except perhaps as a perpetrator).

I too have seen and kinda marveled at this caricature thing in many of
the "more heat than light" threads.  Its like at some point in the
thread all the posters could just walk away and there would just be two
cardboard cutouts standing there, lobbing pre-scripted repetitive
accusations at each other.  And the thread (not so) merrily goes on...
and on...

Its the same way that propaganda works so well, I guess.  Our brains
must be scripted for it.  And that must be why it takes actual
discipline to avoid falling into.

Living here in China and growing up in the depths of the cold war, I
confront this on a very personal level. Or have to confront it in older
chinese that seem still scripted from the Cultural Revolution, or view
all americans as "the same as" G.W.Bush.  

I actually have friends in the US that believe the Chinese hate women
and routinely kill their girl babies.  Some that believe female fetuses
are routinely sold in street stalls in Beijing as delicasies.  I only
wish they could see the overt love, pride and devotion chinese friends
of mine heap on their daughters.


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.
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