P Floding;157929 Wrote: 
> The main problem is really that a few select people have taken upon
> themselves to define what is acceptable thinking, and what is "stupid"
> -hence bullying anyone who is "stupid" enough to have idéas that are
> not confirmant enough for this crowd.
> This is just narrowminded mob behaviour, no matter what pretty
> alternative label is put on it ("a bit of a laugh", "humor", etc).
> I really don't see this changing as these people see it as both their
> right and perhaps almost duty to police the forum using mob behaviour.
> They shouldn't fool themselves that they promote variation here,
> though. I don't think anyone of these people actually write under their
> own names, BTW.
> I decided not to contribute any more as I don't feel the general
> discussion climate here works for an in-depth exchange of ideas. There
> are just too many people who have to try to prove points all the time
> -almost regardless of the relevance of these points. (ABX, anyone?)
> So, so long, and thank you for the fish!

you are guilty of all the above, P. Your lack of self perception and
self reflection 
is amazing.

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