Actually, Robert Greene (the reviewer) did this test -- he is an
accomplished violinist -- with himself as the subject playing between a
set of Dali Megalines.  The result: uncanny.  An observer, including
himself, could barely tell the one from the other.

This just says so much about speakers and speakers that really get it
right.  Having forty grand on hand for your audio budget doesn't hurt,
either!   My short list of truly great speakers with which I have a
good bit of experience are: Harbeth Monitor 40s, Dali MS5es, Dali
Megalines, McIntosh XRT 28s, Gradient Revolutions, any Quad ESL, any
Sound Lab, and one or two others.  Their trick is that, with one
exception (the Harbeth) they are fairly immune to room interaction
problems, at least when properly positioned (IE, electrostatics need to
be away from the wall).  Dali makes wonderful speakers.

There are many others.  I've heard Wilsons and really like them, for
instance, but I don't have enough sit-down time with them to comment.

tomjtx;158110 Wrote: 
> > highdudgeon;158105 Wrote: 
> > Sounds reasonable to me.  Still, though, being a guitarist like yourself
> > (and violinist), I think I'm perhaps more aware of some fine points of
> > instrument reproduction -- as opposed to audiophile stuff -- AND the
> > slight business of mic set up, etc., than others.  I couldn't say the
> > same for the piano, even though my wife is an excellent pianist and we
> > have an oft-played baby grand in the living room.  Good point, though.
> > Everything is a matter of practice.
> > 
> > I do think the the one sine qua non is just having experience of live
> > music.  If only for your soul, right?  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I agree. I am probably better at judging the sound quality of classical
> > guitar recordings than a non classical guitarist. There are some
> > advantages:eg. hearing that very performer live on the same instrument(
> > a few times in my living room)
> > 
> > Once I had a guitarist sit between my speakers and play and then switch
> > to his CD playing the same piece and guitar.....that was
> > was better...........
> > until I put the bybees in:-)> >


Relax.  It's about the music.
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