Since my last post/thread, I finally was able to spend some time
listening to the results - not good. The sound stage had moved well to
the left - between the middle and the left speaker, and the sound
itself was decidedly "muffled". Since this was after doing some speaker
repositioning, I decided not to even waste any time on it and instead
re-did the sweeps and produced new filters.

The reults are a little better than last time, but it still sounds as
though the high end has a blanket over it and the mid range is really
pronounced. Really not listenable.

Originally it seemed as though I was having bass issues and my speakers
have a hole in the back that can be fitted with a foam plug, so I ran R
& L sweeps for each with and without the plug. After I created the
filters (8 filters - No correction, soft, normal, strong X plug and
no-plug), I ran the sweeps again just out of curiosity. I did this
using the plug+normal DRC filter.

Honestly the graphs don't mean anything to me, but I'll post them just
in case they shed a clue for someone else.

I used the ECM800 mic and Tascam-122L as hardware and edited the files
to point to "Flat" and ECM800 mic. Did I miss something esle crucial?
(I also used the Inguz "normal" as opposed to the one in the DRC

The order below is:
no plug, no DRC
w/ plug, no DRC
w/ plug, w/ DRC

|Filename: Left-Plug-with-DRC.jpg                                   |


SB2 --> Axiom passive pre --> Portal Paladin monoblocks --> Dynaudio
Contour 1.3 MKII
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