I want to play! So due to the variety of sites I visit and post on
(mostly with this name) I typically sign my email and such as "Mr O."
In the Eugene linux users group I'm known as the same. Googling me can
be scary as I'm mostly on tech sites. My occupation is in computer
retail, sales, technician, asst manager, co-owner, and any other titles
I want. If you want to know what's the most reliable computer hardware
to purchase I'm the guy to ask. As for an OS? Well, linux for me. 8
hours of Microsoft victim support a day is more than enough Windows for

I wouldn't call myself an audiophile but I am an audio nut. I like good
clean sound at any volume. I have a preference for good acoustics be it
guitar, drums, or any other instrument for that matter. Instruments are
an important part so a little classical here and there doesn't hurt.
Some of my favorite acoustics are from Jars of Clay.

My audio is part of my home theater as I have a small house and income.
Definitive Technology sub/sat all around with only the sub and front L/R
playing audio. People are typically floored when they here what these
speakers can do for their size. I can really drive home the fact that
size doesn't matter if you have the right equipment. 12 & 14 gauge OFHC
speaker cables, Monster banana plugs on the ends (the two part twist ons
that are near impossible to yank off), Yamaha receiver driving
everything, 42" Hitachi plasma, Samsung HD931 & Philips DVP642 DVD
players, the Wii, and my SB3. The poor old Sony CDP CA9ES has been
collecting dust. Most of my interconnects I've been making myself using
RG6 and F-type to RCA adapters. Amazing how well they work compared to
any of the Monster cables I've used. Even the sub has more oomph.

The bedroom has my SB2, Sonic T-amp, and the speakers that went to my
plasma. I'd like to replace them at some point with something small
like the Anthony Gallo spheres but not until I have a chance to mod the
T-amp. The server sits in the garage and everything is hardwired.

Is that satisfactory enough?

notanatheist's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2642
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30141

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