jhm731;159831 Wrote: 
> Thought you already posted that the Aberdeen NorthStar transport sounds
> better than the stock Transporter.
> If you now think your Aberdeen Transporter is better, you should post
> the Aberdeen NorthStar for sale. There are lots of TacT users waiting
> to get one.

Nothing I said would contradict that.  Nevertheless, I also said I
thought it might be because the North Star upsamples.  North Star isn't
going anywhere, b/c I do continue to want a CD transport in my 2.2.
system.  I'm too lazy to promptly burn my CDs when I get new one.  I
only have 500 CDs in FLAC right now.  I have 500 more CDs (and growing)
to go.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, esoteric d-03/p-03, hd650, k701 &
sony qualia  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4, aberdeen northstar transport, epiphany 12-12s
(waiting for my 20-21s), tact w210 corner load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, panaonic th-65pf9uk
Sleestack's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6598
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