ModelCitizen;163057 Wrote: 
> I'd like to try this.
> Can you tell me how you can use this Foobar2000 ABX test with a
> dedicated audiophile set up (i.e. not via a computer sound card with
> associated computer electrical noise and ambient noise).
> I probably couldn't tell the difference between a 96khz mp3 and a
> lossless file with my computer's audio set up!
> MC
It's not Foobar2k, but a few months back someone posted a perl script
that makes it easy to create the audio files for blind AB testing on
your audio system. The first post has a script for testing flac vs.
wav, but a subsequent post has an amended script for creating the files
to test lossless (I think it might be wav) vs. MP3. See:

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