I have also recently acquired a Transporter after being really impressed
with owning a SB3 for one month.
The setup and first short listening all appeared to be ok but when some
serious listening started the troubles started for me too.
It appears that after a sustained period of time, typically 2 hrs the
TP either falters and stops playing with a blank screen, or the front
panel and remote fail to respond although the music stream continues
until the end of the track/album.
Curiously, sometimes, even when the TP stops playing and reports it
cannot connect to slimserver, the slimserver interface on the PC still
reports the TP as connected and playing and my Netgear router reports
it as a connected device.
I have also had problems with the TP failing to see the wireless
network after a period of time with repeated dropping of the network
The only solution I have found for all these issues is to power the TP
down for 5 mins and then power the TP back up where it will play
faultlessly until the next time.
I have encryption for the wireless network turned off, firewall and
anti virus off and tried both XP and SUSE OS’s running slimserver all
with the same result.
I have no Microwave or other RF devices and the only other neighbor is
away on Christmas holiday so I don’t buy the idea of RF interference.
I am using wireless out of necessity but have a SB3 in the same room
which does not suffer any of the TP problems. I have even synced them
together inputting into A and B inputs to my amp and when the TP fails
the SB does not glitch.
I would love to have a better sounding device than the SV3 (although it
is pretty good) but IMHO the TP has been released in a Beta form and
regardless of DAC quality cannot be considered to be fit as a consumer
If anyone can offer suggestions before I return the TP under my
supplier’s 30 day return policy I would be very glad to hear them.

bernie's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8904
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30856

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