I finally got everything I needed to go through the measuring process of
the Inguz Audio DRC software and unfortunately my results were

I'm using a Tascam US-122 audio interface, with the recommended
Behringer Mic. I setup according to the Inguz audio web site, and the
first thing I found was after adjusting the SB volume to get the analog
output Db measure on Audacity to around -6 Db, the amp volume output was
reduced to the point that even at 100% max volume, the sound was only at
a high listening level (maybe around 80 Db on my Radio Shack sound
pressure meter instead of 110 Db as I would expect). Anyway, I wasn't
that concerned because the volume was loud enough to take measurements
and I wouldn't have wanted it any louder anyway for fear of damaging
the speaker tweeters.

Initially I couldn't even see the sound level register on Audacity
through the Mic. The analog output was still nice and high, around -6
db, but the mic output was "flatlining" in Audacity. So I turned the
recording level all the way up on the audio interface (and confirmed my
computer sound level wasn't impacting the recording) and then finally
saw the mic output register on Audacity, but still much lower than the
analog output from the SqueezeBox. So I reduced the Squeezebox volume
to match output levels with the mic, which I was able to do, but had
both levels now at around -15 Db from -6 initially.

So I took 3 measures from the left and 3 measures from the right.
Everything seemed to go well and I cancelled any measures that had
outside/environment noise (dogs, cars, sane people who are content with
big box stores, etc.) and felt pretty good about my measures when

The rest of the process seemed to go smoothly. The only changes I made
to the DRC config files was change the MCPointsFile to ecm8000.txt. I
didn't even change the Target Response stage to flat.txt or any other
files - I left as bk-3-spline.txt as was defaulted in the config file.
Should I expect better results with a different target response file?
My results were so bad I decided something else must be wrong, but
maybe it's the config file. I also made sure Audacity was recording in
Stereo and set the default sample format to 32-bit float.

So I created my filters and put them in the correct folder and noticed
a change in sound when using the filters so something is definitely
happening. Then I used my Radio Shack sound pressure meter again and
took measurements with and without room correction the results with all
levels of room correction were all over the place. Huge variations in
sound levels across the frequency range, as compared with a respectable
measure without room correction. One thing I noticed is that the EQ
plugin always has to have one of the EQ options checked - 2 band
(bass/treble in my case) along with my room correction
(strong/normal/soft/None) option checked. Is that normal?

Any suggestions are really appreciated. It's been enjoyable to play
around with this hardware and software, but with the time and cost of
the measuring equipment I'm certainly hoping to get some better results
if possible.

I'm also interested to know now that I have the Behringer mic and audio
interface what tools I can use to get a better frequency response
measurement than my Radio Shack sound pressure meter.

Thanks again in advance for any help and advice!


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