NewBuyer;166426 Wrote: 
> Tyler this is really interesting stuff. The thing I believe that keeps
> most people from trying the absorbers idea, is a complete lack of
> knowledge of what they are, what product specifically to buy, where to
> place them, etc (speaking only from my own experience here). I would
> certainly also be interested in downloading and listening to the
> recordings you are proposing

I've been messing with the recording process.  Under Linux, for some
reason, I can only get audio through 1 channel in record mode.  Under
windoze I can only record for 1 minute using the windoze sound
recorder.  I'll look for and DL some better recording software and get
to work on it.

Sound absorption isn't rocket science.  Cover that back wall with a
piece of carpet hung a few inches off the wall.  It will kill almost
all reflections that make a difference.  Same with the floor.  You
don't have to go out and buy special sound absorbing materials. 
Tapestries have high WAF and work fine.  Carpet remnants and scraps can
be bought for $1 per yard.

Get hard surfaces like TVs and coffee tables away from the center of
the speakers.  Move that stuff elsewhere.

The special sound absorbing stuff is usually foam and polyester batting
that you can make yourself a lot cheaper than you can buy it.  If you
want to go nuts with it, make a wood frame.  Staple some burlap on the
back side.  Fill it with foam/polyester, then staple some nice looking
cloth on the front side.  Hang it or lean it against the wall.

Killing early reflections (from hard surfaces near the speakers) is the
main thing to do.  Look at the room, if the side walls are close to the
speakers, put some carpet there, too.  At the listening position end of
the room, you let the reflections happen, however, you don't want your
head too close to a reflecting wall.  Try to get the listener into the
middle of the room, away from the walls.

You can do all this stuff a little at a time, and move furniture around
until you're satisfied.  Cost is low.  Result is large.  Much larger
than anything you'll get by changing a cable, an amplifier, or even
upgrading your CD player.


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