opaqueice wrote:
Pat Farrell;170248 Wrote:
Normally Behringer is not talked about as audiophile level gear.
I'm aware of that.  After doing some quite careful (but not terribly
extensive) listening tests, I no longer believe there are any audible
differences between amplifiers, so long as they are decent quality (as
this one is) and are not driven into or close to clipping.
And you call yourself an audiophile?
Such  * <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heresy>*heresy.

Next you are likely to claim that there is no reason to spend $350,000 for an amp,
such as the one reviewed by TAS a while back.

What about $1000 blocks of wood to hold up your $5000 speaker cables?

Pat http://www.pfarrell.com/music/slimserver/slimsoftware.html
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