Pat Farrell;170266 Wrote: 
> opaqueice wrote:
> > Pat Farrell;170248 Wrote: 
> >   
> >> Normally Behringer is not talked about as audiophile level gear.
> > I'm aware of that.  After doing some quite careful (but not terribly
> > extensive) listening tests, I no longer believe there are any
> audible
> > differences between amplifiers, so long as they are decent quality
> (as
> > this one is) and are not driven into or close to clipping.  
> And you call yourself an audiophile?
> Such  * <>*heresy.
> Next you are likely to claim that there is no reason to spend $350,000
> for an amp,
> such as the one reviewed by TAS a while back.
> What about $1000 blocks of wood to hold up your $5000 speaker cables?
> -- 
> Pat

It's not just any old block of wood: it has to be myrtle, and the tree
must have been cut down by a virgin on the night of a full moon.  

Here's a link to my current favorite instance of this kind of

As a friend of mine pointed out, if these things, given their size,
actually absorbed the amount of energy claimed, they would get so hot
they would ignite.....


squeezebox 3 -> mccormack dna .5 -> audio physic tempo 4
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