giga;170374 Wrote: 
> So what's your opinion... can I really go from SB3 to Power Amp w/o a
> preamp, just by using attenuator? Somebody in the forum advised me to
> do so and use volume control on SB3. Did you guys try it? Is it good &
> safe to do so? Moreover, what's an attenuator? (I am considering
> starting a new thread for this...)

The Squeezebox has a nasty habit of loosing its mind every now and
again and putting out a shrill bit of random noise at maximum volume. 
When that happens, you chance blowing something in the playback chain -
mostly likely a speaker driver - if you've connected the SB directly
into a power amp.

An attenuator is a volume reduction device.  You'd use them (one on
each channel) based on the maximum output level of the SB and the gain
of your amplifier.  You'd want to adjust things so that at maximum
volume the Squeezebox wouldn't be able to melt your speakers into
little puddles of molten metal.

Or, just get an integrated amplifier.  It's simpler, and it's more
versatile - like having multiple inputs should you decide to connect a
tuner, a CD player, a DVD player, or an iPod to your stereo system.


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