Skunk;174656 Wrote: 
> Jan, what I meant was that you obviously believe the source is
> important, which I agree with. I don't think a great source can
> overcome a mediocre receiver though (not that your's is mediocre). But
> if you have a balanced 2ch amp sitting there and a balanced DAC, but
> choose to use the receiver- that would be taking the source-first
> ideology to new heights. Amplification may be solved as opaqueice is
> fond of saying, but all the extra circuitry in the receiver is less
> than ideal... IMHO.
Skunk, you're most probably right, and for the music part of my system
I would prefer to go straight from balanced dac to amp. But this is
part of my surround system, so I also need the amp hooked up to the
receiver, a Denon avr4800. And in my defense, I started my system
upgrade with getting new speakers, B&W 803. Then I got a new amp, Rotel
RB1090. So I'm working my way back to the source.  :-)
I still need to do the test though, hooking up the SB3 analog out
straight to the amp, to see what difference skipping the, admittedly
mediocre, Denon receiver makes...
Note btw that the RB1090 has balanced input, but I don't think they are
"real" balanced input like, say, a Krell. At least, that's what I
understand. So I'm not really sure if it would be so much better to
drive the Rotel through the balanced inputs...


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