Here's a rather newbie question that I've been thinking about for a bit.

Which of these is theoretically worse for the speakers and/or more
likely to lead to amp clipping:

A) Untouched "modern" rock/pop track with digital clipping being played
back at 90dB average.  The amplifier's volume is set to -25dB to achieve
this SPL.  

B) The same rock/pop track but replay-gained down 10dB to avoid digital
clipping.  Now to get the same 90dB SPL as Scenario A, the amplifier's
volume has to be at say, -10dB.  

Basically the question is does replay-gain (or any other form of
turning digital level down) increase the likelihood of analog clipping?
Thanks for any input.


Squeezebox 3 digital out > Panasonic SA-XR57 > Energy Veritas 2.4i
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