GaryB;176502 Wrote: 
> Some people in this thread seem to be saying that it's obvious that
> aliens aren't flipping the switch and because of that it's obvious that
> there is no way for the light to be going on and off.  And they are
> unwilling to flip the switch for themselves to check whether it can go
> on or off since it's obvious that aliens can't be switching it on or
> off.

I certainly don't expect to change your opinion - it's just that I'm
interested in trying to understand your mindset, because I've noticed
there's really a disconnect here and I'm curious about exactly what is
the point where we diverge.  

I think my analogy didn't work very well - the lights going on is
supposed to be analogous to you perceiving a difference.  No one is
disputing that the lights go on and off, or that you heard something. 
It's just a question of what's the best explanation for it - is it in
your brain or is it in the sound?  

So faced with the fact that you heard something, we have two
explanations: psychology or something unspecified but maybe having to
do with vibrations or magnetic fields.  As a research physicist that
has decent familiarity with the cognitive psych literature (not to
mention the results of blind tests in audio), I have a pretty good
basis for judging plausibility here.  It is certain that the
psychological explanation highly plausible, which means you could never
convince someone that it's a physical effect without eliminating that
first.  You could go on and ask  how plausible is the physics
explanation, and (at least in my professional judgement) it's highly
implausible.  That means, to me at least, that it's not worth
investigating - if there were two plausible explanations it might be,
but I don't think there are.

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