opaqueice;180328 Wrote: 
> We talked about this before on this forum - the hypthesis that the
> stress of blind tests reduced people's hearing abilities was termed
> "blinditis".  It's quite a lot to buy - that people think they can hear
> a difference sighted or blind, but when blind they are stressed and
> can't actually hear it (even though they think they can), while when
> sighted they think they can and are correct.  That's far less plausible
> and much more complicated than the simple hypothesis of bias, but it's
> not impossible.  It seems a difficult thing to rule out, but there may
> actually be a clever way...
> First use a blind test to determine the sensitivity to, say, a
> difference in volume.  Now do the same with a sighted test (the
> subjects know which is louder - because they can see the volume knobs -
> and are asked at what point they cease to be able to hear a difference).
> Now there are two possibilities - sensitivity was greater in the blind
> test, in which case the blinditis hypothesis is out, or it's greater in
> the sighted test.
> In the second case do another sighted test, but secretly reverse the
> knobs - so what the subjects think is louder is actually softer.  Do
> this in the volume range between the two sensitivities, and see what
> the results are - do the subjects notice that something is wrong and
> the volumes have been swapped?  If not, it's pretty clear it was bias
> effects that led them to think they could hear a difference when in
> fact they couldn't, and therefore the original blind test gave the
> correct result (i.e. no blinditis).  If on the other hand they do
> notice, blinditis exists.  I think refinements of this basic idea could
> pretty well rule this out or in.
> Of course this is to determine whether it's the blind aspect of the
> test that causes the problem; if instead being tested in any way
> fundamentally changes our perceptions there's really very little that
> can be said.

It's all very interesting, and I hope more research is done in this

However, I don't think the hobbyists called "audiophiles" should have
to keep this in mind every time the would like to endulge in their
chosen hobby.

P Floding

No, I didn't ABX it. And I won't even if you ask me. (Especially not if
you ask me.)
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