325xi;182227 Wrote: 
> I would like to hear opinions of knowledgeable people on the proper ways
> to do resampling of audio files on pc using different software. By
> resampling here I mean either downsampling, as from 96/24 or 88.2/24
> recently discussed in Linn downloads threads; or upsampling, for
> example to 96kHz.
> The reason why I would like to discuss it is that yet recently DSP
> processing was considered "coarse language" in audio forums, and the
> processed files were often audibly different from the original, not in
> good way.
> On the other side, I heard that due to dramatic increase of available
> computing power on modern computers, DSP algorithms allowed to
> themselves to become smarter and more sophisticated, so this is not an
> issue anymore.
> So, the questions:
> - do all the resampling software available to home users does the job
> properly, or we still have 'em better and worse?
> - what kinds of resampling are always safe, and what are we better to
> avoid?

I'm not sure I will pass your test of being knowledgable, but I do have
subjective experience with this.  Since the SB is capable of 48Kbps
only, I have source material that needed to be downsampled for more
efficient storage and avoiding the "throw every other bit away"
approach to downsampling the SB uses on the fly.     I didn't know what
DSP algorithm would work best so I first tried PPHS(Default in
Foobar2K).  I thought the sound was a little hash-brighter than the
original(as heard directly through a DAC) -- but wasnt sure.    Only
when I can compare two streams on the SB directly after each other
would the testing be more conclusive.  I then used the SRC(Secret
Rabbit Code) I had read much about and loaded it in Foobar2K.   It took
considerably longer to downsample than PPHS(much much more) -- and hoged
all my CPU power while doing it.    However, upon listening it was
completely obvious, SRC sounded much smoother to me -- the grainyness
and edginess was reduced -- verified repeatedly by A/B testing.   I
will never use PPHS again.    I was hoping I'd like PPHS better as it
was extremely fast....oh well.

Just my experience.....YMMV....


SB3->AR Masters Coax -> PS Audio DLIII -> Coincident CST IC XLR -> Sim
Audio P5 -> Cardas Golden Reference XLR -> Sim Audio W5 -> PS Audio
Xtreme Plus(Low) AQCV4(mid/hi)-> Magnepan 3.6R
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