Well, I got the TA-10.1 T-amp, and tried a quick test with my best
speakers (EPOS ES-12) - unfortunately they are very hard work for the
T-amp.   They're not particularly sensitive, and I read something about
them being demanding of an amp and later versions (M12, M12.2) were more

It was a very quick test, and I couldn't draw any conclusion.  It is
very different from my Creek 4330.  The first thing that struck me was
the bass, and not in a good way, even though I'm not a bass-fiend.  I
didn't expect strength, but the clarity seemed to be absent.  With the
Creek + Epos, on hearing a bass drum the image of the striker
(terminology?) hitting the skin clearly forms in my head.  With the
T-amp there was just a muffled low tone which could have been anything
- not much quieter, just much less distinct.  Take this with a pinch of
salt though - it was a very brief test.

The kind of forwardness of the mid and upper end was striking.  I need
to listen much more to form an opinion.  It took me aback through
Creek-attuned ears, but then I started to appreciate the detail I was

At the weekend I may get time to sit there and give it a good listen. 
Until then it's doing duty in the kitchen driving some "Optimus"
speakers that sound like they're operating in a bucket of water.  At
least when listening to net radio, the newsreaders' voices sound
"mellow" ;).

There's a long and awkward delay when I switch the cables, and any hope
of a blind test is out the window.  The only people I could call on for
help would be laughing and rolling their eyes too much.

I could actually compare it to an original Sonic Impact T-amp, because
I ordered that for my purpose originally, then started looking for a
power supply, and discovered the TA-10.1, and decided to stump up the
big bucks ($130) for that.  The only problem is I couldn't fit my
speaker cables into the SI-T-amp.

Shame if it's not up to the Epos - I was contemplating buying some used
M12s.  Perhaps I could buy another TA-10.1 and bi-amp them.  That might
help :).

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