kphinney;184182 Wrote: 
> Mark's insight into checking the volume adjustment has revealed that the
> lower VU tracks are adjusted from -8 to -12 dB on the ones I've
> compared, whereas the higher VU tracks do not list a Volume Adjustment.

That would be consistent with what you're hearing then.  -8 to -12 dB
adjustments are typical of many modern CDs.

> I had a stint a few years back where I was home-bound after an accident.
> In that time I transfered a few hundred CD's into AAC.  It'd be
> difficult for me to perform the feat again.

Note you can just tell SS to stop using this adjustment (see the end of
this post).

If you want volume adjustment on all of them (or none of them) foobar
should be able to do it.

Just load all the files, select them all (Edit - Select All or click
the first, shift+click the last).  Then right-click one - you can
calculate new ReplayGain values or clear the existing ones in one

Give it some time to do its work, particularly if you're calculating
new RG values.  With hundreds/thousands of files, it will take hours,
maybe overnight or longer.  The good news is you don't have to do
anything or re-rip.

> Is SS choosing this decrease in volume or is it part of the encoding
> process?  
> Thanks Mark and Skunk.

You're welcome.

You can tell SS to ignore this by going to Player Settings - Audio
(last section) Volume Adjustment / Replay Gain.  SS is using it because
the tags are there and you will find that Volume Adjustment / Replay
Gain has been activated.

They were most likely added during encoding, yes.  Generally you can
specify whether you want these tags or not.  It doesn't hurt to keep it
enabled, you can choose to use the tags or not.

Mark Lanctot

"It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
response." - Jon Heal
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