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joatca;183138 Wrote: 
> Disclaimer: I'm not an audiophile, plus I'm Scottish and therefore
> cheap.
> I have two SBs, an SB2 in the living room and this SB3 in the bedroom,
> hooked up to a venerable old (and rather beat-up) NAD 3020 that I
> picked up on eBay. It came with the original pre-amp-out-to-normal-in
> jumper cables missing and replaced with a regular 6-foot RCA cable. I
> had a local store make me a pair of three-inch jumpers from Monster
> cable. Anyone know how much a 3020 cost brand-new?
> The NAD drives a pair of Mission 762i speakers, also from eBay. Total
> cost, with shipping, $120 for the amp and $160 for the speakers (not
> counting the stands, of course). It sounds better than anything I've
> ever owned, even when playing MP3.
> At one point I had a bunch of video stuff in this room too (there's a
> TV on the wall above it), and swapped out the NAD for a huge Yamaha
> RX-V800 that I picked up for $500 just to get remote volume control and
> video switching, and connected the SB by optical. Our main living room
> amp just died so I'm pulling the Yamaha out to replace it, and the old
> NAD is back in the bedroom. (One reason why it looks so tidy... I took
> a picture as soon as I finished putting it together.)
> You know what? The $100 NAD connected RCA sounds better than the $500
> (list $900) Yamaha does by optical. I'm sure that none of you are
> surprised.
> The little wireless headphones are connected directly to the SB and are
> another eBay special, $20. Useless for music, but fine for listening to
> the BBC World Service when my wife is asleep.
> Like I said, I'm cheap, but suggestions to improve the sound welcomed.
> Cheap ones, that is... :-)

I bought a 3020 when they first came out ages ago, but I'll be darned
if I can remember how much I paid for it! It must have been in the $500
range ... I couldn't have afforded much more than that.


Jon Heal says:
Have a nice day!
SB3 (wired - 6.3.1) | Home-brew PC running XP Pro | DENON DRA-395 | PSB
Stratus Bronze (2) | Outlaw Audio LFM-2 (1) | DIY Speaker Cables |
Dayton Audio Interconnects
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