sting;186663 Wrote: 
> I'm thinking about getting a Transporter to use with a Sonos ZP80.  The
> plan is to use a Sonos hanheld controller and the ZP80 will output
> digital signal to the digital in on the Transporter.  The Transporter
> is mainly going to be used as an external DAC (and potentially as a
> player for non-16bit music).

If you prefer the Sonos remote, then to me it would make more sense to
buy a ZP80 and a good external DAC, like the Lavry, Benchmark or any of
the others recommended in these threads. Alternately, have a look at the
Nokia 770/800 as a remote control for the Transporter.

Whatever happened to the remoured fancy LogiTech remote for the SB that
was hinted at just before the LogiTech takeover? Has it been shelved?

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