> Just starting to build my classical music library and need a 
> really good 'objective' site for reviews of classical cd's.

I don't think you will find any source of reviews that is completely

> I'm guessing many sites are influenced and/or 
> supported by major labels.

Less so than print magazines.

> Are there any that are truly exceptional?

My main source of reviews and information is the usenet newsgroup 


You can use the Google/groups web interface to view this newsgroup. 
Here is how to get there:

1. Start at Google.com 

2. Click on 'more' and then click on 'groups' in the menu that

3. type "rec.music.classical.recordings" in the text box and then click
on the button labeled "Search for a group" just to the right of the text
box.  (Don't type the double quotes.)

This will display the must recent threads in the newsgroup. You can
bookmark this page so that you can avoid steps 1-3 on later visits.

Google groups archives the messages on this newsgroup so you can search
for past messages commentsing on a work.

There are a number of regulars on this newsgroup.  Over time, you will
learn which regulars have taste in recordings that matches yours.

There is a thick Penguin Guide to classical music recordings.  I don't
recommend it.  "Classical Music: The Listener's Companion" by Alexander
Morin is not entirely to my taste but useful.  I got my copy as a cheap
remaindered book.


Listener's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2508
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=33496

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