TP -> ModWright SWL 9.0 SE pre-amp  -> FirstWatt F3 -> Omega XRS's
Alesis Masterlink 9600 -> TP

and the non-TP parts:
(modest turntable -> Alesis ML 9600 for LP to digital recording)
(old Adcom CD changer -> old cobalt 307 DAC -> ModWright preamp)
I haven't tried the TP as a substitute DAC yet
but I bet it would do a great job.

The ModWright  & FirstWatt F3 JFET amplifier
together sound better to me than many systems at 
ten times the price and the Transporter gives me
a virtual music collection that is worth more than all
I will ever earn in my lifetime. (!)  I'm a huge
fan of Slim Devices as a result.  Funny thing is,
I originally bought the TP as a music server for
a work environment.  When network access was 
restriced, it came to my house and will never leave!

I end up buying more CD's and LP's than before though, 
guided by my listening to new artists on the TP...
I still don't have a good answer for my wife's 
pointed question, "Why do you need the CD if you
can hear it on the Transporter??"

Does anyone have an answer for that one?

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