Deaf Cat;190609 Wrote: 
> Not too sure if this may be detrimental (heat wise)to the cable though?

A properly-sized cable will not heat up to any appreciable degree,
insulated with foil or not.  An improperly-sized cable (too small for
the current it's trying to pass) will heat up, and constitutes a fire
hazard.  In audio equipment, generally only amplifiers draw enough
current to have the capability to heat up a power cord.  Though
theoretically if you tried to power the Squeezebox with 36 AWG magnet
wire...but no one would do that, would they?  (Only if it improved the
sound!  ;-))

Your fingers are the judge of what is "appreciable" here.  If it feels
warmer than ambient, it's heating up.  There will be some heating as
the cord isn't a superconductor, but it's probably fractions of a
degree - smaller than you can perceive.

And actually - the foil would act as a heatsink, not an insulator -
dissipating the tiny amount of heat more effectively than the bare

Mark Lanctot
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