jeffmeh;191077 Wrote: 
> Well, from a quantum mechanics standpoint it is possible that this could
> work.  Of course, it is also possible that an elephant will quantum
> tunnel to a position above my head and strike me dead before I finish
> typing thi

The double slit experiment is fundamental to quantum physics, but the
wave/particle duality could only apply to electrons, not sound waves,
which are obviously sound pressure waves and never particles.

The really weird part for me is that the Copenhagan Interpretation,
which is probably the most widely accepted explanation for the
experiment, is that electrons and other quantum objects exist as
probability waves until they are detected, when they become particles.
In other words, nothing really exists as a particle unless someone is
looking at it. If you try to watch the individual electrons passing
through the slits, they appear as particles, if don't, you see an
interference pattern. It's called "collapsing the wave function".

Taken to its extreme, that also implies that if there wasn't someone or
something observing the universe, then it would still exist as
probability waves, and therefore it proves the existence of God,
because something has to be observing the universe to collapse the wave
function. Either God, or the flying spaghetti monster.

Or in Peter Belts' world, if you avoid measuring or looking at the
electrons in your HiFi system, they won't exist as particles any more,
and your HiFi won't work properly. Or is it the other way round. In any
case, you should ask for a refund if your HiFi becomes a probability

It also means that your TV has no picture on it unless you are looking
at it, and you really can't be sure if the light really does come on in
your fridge if you are not watching.

Hello nurse, time for my shot already?

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