Need some help here. Have read the connecttopoweramp wiki and thought i
got it but now not sure....

Just purchased 2 Murano Audio Monoblocks based on the IcePower 1000ASP
module (rated 1000W into 4Ω). Sound is fantastic - clarity and
weight i did not get from earlier set-ups. 
After reading the wiki i was very careful when setting up in case i
caused damage to my speakers as i fully expected them to be stretched
at higher volumes.

I am conecting the SB3 directly to the Poweramps then to my speakers
(Monitor Audio S10s rated 200W at 6Ω with 91 db sensitivity). What
really surprises me is that i can play the SB3 full-out and get to a
volume level that is loud but i know from previous amps quite a lot
less than what the speakers can handle.

So my thinking after reading the wiki is that the input sensitivity on
the amps must be higher than that coming from the SB3? Looking at the
amp specs it does not give me an input sensitivity, noting only that
the dynamic range is 118dBA. Looking at the B&O ICE website and other
manufacturers using the same 1000ASP module they indicate input
impedance at 60k ohm. HOwever i am lost as to how to compare this to
the wiki which is quoted in volts?

Probably a stupid question but i cannot work it out. 

[Am separately going to experiment with a DAC-1 this weekend using it
as a pre-amp and running balanced cables to the amps to see if there is
any difference.]


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