dlite;197352 Wrote: 
> Hi Deathcat,
> I sell some gear in australia. 
> The Lavry DA10 is very good, and highly recommended. I also had a Wadia
> 25 for a while, for the price it is a very good dac/preamp, rate it as
> different but equal of Lavry DA10. I expect Wadia overall quality wise
> is better especially in the preamp and output stages.
> Another alternative that sounds like it will meet your tastes well is
> the Bel Canto DAC3, I think the output stages and the preamp  section
> will be much better than the Lavry.
> Of course do not forget my own favourite the SB Transporter. Magic
> connected direct to the amp.

Hi dlite, thanks for your thoughts.
Can you remember in what ways you found the Wadia different to the the

I agree, but in my case only by what I have read, in that the Wadia is
likely to have slightly better preamp / output stage, compared to the

I just checked the price of the Bel Canto  :o  I thought it may have
been a bit over budget... would be nice, but can only streach to about
a grand, which, of course can be extended a tad to allow testing the
transporter :)

I don't seem to have read anything about comparing the SB digital
volume control to other volume controls in dacs,  have I missed it, or
is it just easier to use the SB control.

Cheers :)

Deaf Cat
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